Group Psychotherapy - Wholeview



Group Psychotherapy Offerings

All groups take place at Wholeview Wellness®, 369 Lexington Avenue, Suite 14A (at 41st St.) We welcome participants who receive individual treatment with other providers. If you have any questions about any of our groups or would like to refer a patient who might benefit from additional support, please call us at 866-325-0206. All treatment is eligible for reimbursement through out-of-network benefits.


See below

Groups take place either at Wholeview Wellness®, 369 Lexington Avenue, Suite 14A (at 41st St.) or virtually. We welcome participants who receive individual treatment with other providers. If you have any questions about any of our groups or would like to refer a patient who might benefit from additional support, please call us at 866-325-0206. All treatment is eligible for reimbursement through out-of-network benefits.


Mondays 11:00am-noon (WD)

HERstory: Healing and Empowerment in Recovery

This group is a safe space for all folks who identify as women. Recovery is an opportunity to get to know yourself intimately and find the space to step into your full self. Too often, gender does not get the attention it deserves. There are unique aspects to the social and emotional experiences of womanhood that deserve consideration within the context of substance use. Research has demonstrated the efficacy of women’s-only groups within addiction treatment. Women in this group will be encouraged to explore topics such as body image, stress, relationships, trauma, aging, menstruation, child-bearing, sexuality, anger expression, motherhood, menopause, and gender norms. Through listening and sharing, you will be working on building trust, practicing healthy communication, and reducing internalized shame. Often woven throughout women’s experiences are themes of power and powerlessness, a dynamic that can be represented through the addiction process. In addition to topical discussions, you will learn skills for creating an internal sense of safety which leads to healing and empowerment. By feeling safe and trusting of yourself, you can finally embrace your HERstory!


Mondays 10:30AM-12:00PM (WW)

This mindfulness-based psychotherapy group is for people who are interested in exploring their relationship with alcohol and drugs.


Mondays 1:00pm-2:00pm (WD)

Anger is a normal human emotion that we all experience. It has a purpose and can be productive when expressed through healthy actions. Many people find it difficult to respond to anger constructively. Sometimes, anger can become a serious problem for those who are responding in threatening, violent, or aggressive ways toward themselves or others. This group can support individuals to better understand the emotions hiding underneath anger and to respond to this difficult emotion more mindfully. This group aims to help members have a healthier relationship with anger and thus gain more self-confidence and self-control, improve substance use symptoms, relationships, communication skills, conflict management, and more.


Mondays 12:30pm-2:00pm (WW)

Supportive-Expressive Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for a variety of different presenting problems, including substance use disorders. At Wholeview, we provide a specific manualized form of SET group, based on the Harvard Cocaine Recovery Project. In this approach, a substance use disorder is viewed as an outgrowth of difficulties in four areas; (1) self-esteem; (2) managing feelings; (3) managing relationships; and (4) self-care.


Wholeview Direct has Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPA’s) who provide peer support for recovery. CRPA’s draw both from personal experience with substance use, and from professional training to provide non-clinical support services. CPRAs may also help you develop effective habits and life skills for navigating recovery. Some additional services that they can provide are:


Mondays (12:30AM-2:00PM)

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an evidence-based treatment that has been specifically developed to help individuals struggling with trauma. With strong research supporting its efficacy, this group uses in-session and out of session exercises to help clients target their “stuck points”—or the unhelpful thoughts they have as a result of their trauma. Through successfully targeting our stuck points, we can better manage our emotions as they relate to trauma, which can also help us address any unhealthy behaviors we have stemming from the trauma. The group will focus on the skills needed to work through our trauma, and help clients learn how to address future unhelpful thoughts.


Mondays (6:30PM-7:30PM) – Currently Paused

Many people have concerns about some aspects of their alcohol or drug use but are not sure that they are ready to stop using for the rest of their lives. While others are clear that they want to stop using one substance such as heroin but feel that they can continue to smoke marijuana or drink alcohol moderately. This group is designed to assist people in taking an honest look at how they are feeling and functioning to determine what works best for them in terms of their alcohol and drug use. Group members will be encouraged to set individualized goals for moderate use or partial abstinence (e.g., abstinence from cocaine and moderate use of marijuana) and to work with the group to see if they are able to achieve their goals each week. This unique group helps people to live their life in line with their personal goals and values.


Mondays 6:00pm-7:00pm (WD)

The goal of this group is to help group members eliminate substance use, reduce trauma/mental health symptoms, and increase safety from high-risk behaviors. Some of the specific areas covered in this group include how to:


Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm (WW)

This CRAFT-based psychotherapy group is for people who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use and recovery and are open to exploring how their role in this relationship can support positive change and how they can thrive regardless of their loved one’s recovery. If you are in a relationship with someone who struggles with substance use or is in recovery, then this group is designed for you.


Tuesdays 11:00am-noon (WD) & Wednesdays 12:30pm – 2:00pm (WW)

This group aims to provide skills and strategies to help you manage difficult emotions, enhance your interpersonal relationships and to maintain balance in your life. We will review the four main DBT skills modules which include Mindfulness Skills, Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, Emotion Regulation Skills, and Distress Tolerance Skills. Practice exercises will be assigned each week to assist in skill acquisition. After we have reviewed and practiced the four core skills, we will work to integrate them and to make them a regular part of your daily routine.


Tuesdays 12:30PM-2:00PM (WW) & Saturdays Noon-1:00PM (WD) & (WW)

We all experience situations we cannot control, behaviors that are hard to change, and intense emotions. These can be triggers for behaviors (e.g., substance use, isolation) that reduce our ability to function effectively. This interferes with our ability to engage with what we care about such as family, friends, work, and self-care. As a result, we become stuck in a cycle of negative behavior that makes it harder and harder to achieve what we want in life.


Tuesdays 10:30AM-12:00PM (WW) & Tuesdays 6:00PM-7:00PM (WD)

Whether you are ambivalent about making change, or have committed yourself to sobriety, this group will provide a fresh perspective in helping you achieve your ideal relationship with substances. Rooted in therapeutic approaches which help navigate one’s readiness to change, this group intends on ‘meeting you where you are at’. In a secure and collaborative environment, participants will have the opportunity to share openly, and will be encouraged to learn from and to support one another. Through relating with others, and engaging in self-exploration, you may begin to identify how previous patterns in your life have contributed to your present-day experience. Deepening your insights into what brought you to this very moment can empower you to break-through obstacles which may have once seemed daunting or unachievable. The rewards of doing so go far beyond changing one’s relationship with substances; this group aims to support your living an authentic, well-balanced, and meaningful life.


Tuesdays 1pm-2pm (WD)

The Stages of Change group, led by Alexa Shelden, understands recovery as a process of behavior change. The group draws from a range of evidence-based psychological theories and approaches to understanding and measuring how people change. This model understands change based on three dimensions: the stages, processes, and markers of change. Each session will target one or more change process or strategy, and group members will be encouraged to work together in developing these skills. The group will then work to build internal motivation for and to implement positive change.


Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00PM (WD) & Thursdays 6:30PM-7:30PM (WW)

This group aims to provide skills and strategies to help you manage difficult emotions, enhance your interpersonal relationships and to maintain balance in your life. We will review the four main DBT skills modules which include Mindfulness Skills, Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills, Emotion Regulation Skills, and Distress Tolerance Skills. Practice exercises will be assigned each week to assist in skill acquisition. After we have reviewed and practiced the four core skills, we will work to integrate them and to make them a regular part of your daily routine.


Tuesdays (10:30AM-12:00PM) (WW) & (6:30PM-7:30PM) (WW) & Thursdays (10:30AM-12:00PM) (WW) & Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm (WD)

Mentalization is the way that we understand other people’s emotions, thoughts, desires, beliefs, and intentions. Mentalization Based Treatment Group is a therapeutic approach which aims to increase group members’ ability to mentalize using a manual based psychodynamic therapy. This evidence-based approach developed at the Anna Freud Institute in London, is designed to assist people in four main goals: to achieve better behavioral control, to increase affect regulation, to develop more intimate and gratifying relationships and to have the ability to pursue life goals. In this group, Dr. Sarah Church will begin by sharing the theory of mentalization and how it affects mental health. Group members will be encouraged to work together to increase their capacity to understand fellow group members and to improve their own affect regulation, to strengthen interpersonal relationships, and to reduce problematic and self-harm behaviors including alcohol and drug use.


Tuesdays 12:30pm-2:00pm (WW) & Fridays 12:30pm-2:00pm (WW) & Mondays 1:00-2:00pm (WD) & Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm (WD)

This skill building group is for individuals who are recently abstinent and are seeking support in early recovery. The group meets for 90 minutes and runs for 12 weeks. The goal of the group is to enhance self-control and raise awareness of problematic thoughts and behaviors and replace them with new more effective thoughts, skills and strategies for maintaining abstinence. Based on a cognitive behavioral model established at Yale University School of Medicine, we focus on topics such as exploring positive and negative consequences of continued use, self-monitoring to recognize craving early on, identifying internal and external triggers, coping with cravings, practicing refusal skills, articulating goals and addressing ambivalence. Members will have homework to support skills learned in the group meetings. We welcome collaboration with group members’ individual therapists.


Wednesdays 10:30AM-12:00PM (WW)

Trauma reaches beyond memory and logic. It is stored in the body and can contribute to relapse, discomfort, anger, depression, and self-destructive behavior. This trauma group will focus on providing supportive resources to manage hypervigilance and traumatic responses, psychoeducation on the neurobiology and physical impact of trauma, opportunities to share trauma experiences with others in a compassionate space, and exercises to move our past experiences from “the here and now” to the “there and then”.


Wednesdays 12:30PM – 2:00PM (WW) & Saturday 11:00am-noon (WD)

Drawing upon online platforms such as #Altsober, a NYC community of people devoted to ending the stigma related to addiction while welcoming a safe place for people to be open about their recovery, and Medium, a publishing platform covering a variety of topics including addiction, sobriety and recovery, Dr. Amy Colley will lead group members in an engaging discussion of weekly readings. The goal of #Altsober is to provoke new ways of thinking about living without drugs and alcohol and managing the daily struggles and joys of recovery through the personal essays of others who are on the same journey.


Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm (WW)

Process groups are an opportunity to reflect on patterns of relating to ourselves as well as to others. This group will focus on identifying feelings related to romantic and sexual dynamics, as substances are often used in relation to or have an impact on experiences of intimate connection. Topics that may be explored include sexual intimacy and dating while sober, sexual desires and desire discrepancies, how one gives and receives affection, and trust and sharing in new relationships. A common reason why substances are utilized in relation to romantic and sexual engagement is because both require an experience of vulnerability and exposure of oneself. By asking participants to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences with group members honestly and openly, members will have an opportunity to experience in real time the emotions that make vulnerability with others more difficult. This group emphasizes the healing power of relationships among group members and the importance of emotional understanding and attunement. Feeling less alone and less shame will aid in members finding healthier ways to fulfill their social and emotional needs in romantic and sexual contexts.


Wednesdays 3pm – 4pm (WD)

Men in Recovery is a safe and affirming group for male-identified individuals to share and support one another in their recovery from addiction and mental health challenges. The group addresses specific challenges men in recovery face – such as reluctance to seek help, vulnerability, loneliness, anger, and shame. Also covered will be the interactions between recovery and the various roles men hold – father, son, brother, husband, etc. The group sessions are a mix of pre-identified topics and topics generated by group members during group check-ins.


Wednesdays 6:30PM-7:30PM (WW)

Research suggests that between 20% and 50% of individuals in treatment for substance use disorders also experience symptoms of an eating disorder, highlighting the need for specialized support. If you suspect that you may have an eating disorder or have already been diagnosed, this group is tailor-made for you.


Thursdays 12:30pm-2:00pm (WW)

This is a group for young adults in which the members discuss difficulties related to abstinence and recovery. The group provides a safe space to share ideas surrounding peer pressure, dealing with urges, communicating with friends and family about avoiding alcohol and drug use, and managing hiccups. It provides a safe environment for exchanging ideas, providing and receiving emotional support, and learning ways to manage and cope with feelings. We will also share resources and tools to help young people help themselves and one another as they consider, experiment with, and explore a life in recovery.


Thursdays 12:30pm-2:00pm. (WW)

Executive function skills are a crucial set of mental processes that empower us to take control of our lives. These skills play a pivotal role in managing our time and everyday responsibilities, enabling us to recognize obstacles, troubleshoot challenges, and propel ourselves toward our goals. They allow us to devise plans and transform those plans into reality.

Ready Set Go focuses on strengthening your executive function skills. We will delve into the various facets of executive function, including Inhibitory Control, Initiating, Planning, Organizing, Working Memory, Set Shifting, Emotion Control, Self-Monitoring, Task-Monitoring, and Task Completion. We’ll pinpoint which components pose the greatest challenges for you and how these challenges manifest in your daily life. We will then select strategies that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine. The ultimate aim of Ready Set Go is to help members take actionable steps and generate the momentum needed for lasting and transformative change.


Thursdays 12:30PM-2PM (WW) Currently Paused

Emotion Efficacy Therapy (EET) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that is rooted in the premise that emotions are valuable signals that guide our behaviors. Learning to skillfully navigate these messages is an integral component of living a more well-balanced and fulfilling life. Through cultivating skills in an open and collaborative environment, participants will enhance their capacity to make values-consistent choices. A focus will be placed on exploring ways to achieve your ideal healthy relationship with substances while supporting your goals in various life domains. To accelerate learning, EET involves an experiential component, and session content promotes relaxation techniques, mindfulness approaches, and various coping strategies. Ultimately, developing ‘high-emotion efficacy’ will empower you to live more authentically, intentionally, and with greater meaning and purpose.


Thursdays 1pm-2pm

Grief and loss are complex experiences for every individual. All of us will experience loss in our lives, making grief a universal human emotion and experience. The Grief Processing Group allows individuals to come together to share the difficulties of the grieving process, reflect on what death and dying mean to them, and learn from one another how to continue living their own lives without their loved ones physically present. Each week will incorporate new reflections, lessons learned, and life experiences that help individuals shape their relationships to their grieving process and find support along the way. All individuals experiencing difficulty with grief and loss are welcome to join the group, no matter the length of time it has been since your loved one passed.


Wednesdays 6:30PM-7:30PM (WW)

Identifying as a Person of Color (POC) is about more than just skin color or physical appearance. This identity is often influenced by cultural and generational history, traditions, surroundings, social circles, and experiences. POC individuals who take ownership of their identities have a diverse and rich cultural distinctiveness to be proud of and celebrated. Each person’s experience will be different with varying feelings and expressions attached to them. Each person also comes with unique challenges that most people who don’t identify as POC may never experience. With an extensive history of discrimination, ostracism, and racism, POC people can suffer from violence, trauma, and institutional oppression in everyday life. The aim of this group therapy will be to provide a safe and secure atmosphere for individuals who share similar problems or concerns, as it pertains to being POC in the United States. Feelings surrounding race relations and racial inequity, microaggressions, trauma, and ultimately what it is like being POC in America will be explored in a sensitive and safe way all in the context of recovery. Members can come together and learn from each other while also engaging in their unique process of self-exploration to find individual meaning and build their own coherent life narrative.


Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm (WW) Starting Soon!

Positive psychology is a field of psychology that focuses on promoting well-being, happiness, and positive emotions. It builds upon strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses and employs specific techniques that improve mood and sense of well-being.


Thursdays 6:30pm-7:30pm (WW)

Having a queer identity carries with it a series of joys, sorrows, advantages, and disadvantages, confusion, clarity, shame and celebration. This group will explore and process varied experiences and seek to provide a space to attain an observing distance from these formative experiences. By exploring these experiences this group will seek to better understand being queer from different contexts that contribute to our sense of self. It is a chance to explore the need to escape, the need to numb, a fear of intimacy, hopes for the future, and how we move through life with more self-compassion and a stronger connection to others.


Fridays 10:30am – 12:00pm (WW) & 11:00am-noon (WD)

This group uses the community-reinforcement approach (CRA) to help participants build and maintain motivation for abstinence by focusing on increasing pleasurable activities, learning new coping behaviors, and involving loved ones in the recovery process. Practical skills are introduced into the group including communication skills and problem-solving skills. As this group meets on Fridays, we review and discuss plans for the weekend to ensure that they are both safe and enjoyable. The overall goal of CRA is to help you find healthier ways to meet your social and emotional needs and to develop a meaningful life in recovery that is more compelling than a life using alcohol or drugs.


Fridays at 12:30pm-2:00pm

Somatic Experiencing (SE) resolves symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps us release, recover, and become more resilient. This group uses a framework known as SIBAM (Sensation, Imagery, Behavior, Affect, and Meaning) to help clients incorporate their bodies in processing trauma. Group sessions will consist of a mixture of guided exercises and discussions of present-moment experiences.


Fridays 10:30am – 12:00pm (WW) & 11:00am-noon (WD)

This group uses the community-reinforcement approach (CRA) to help participants build and maintain motivation for abstinence by focusing on increasing pleasurable activities, learning new coping behaviors, and involving loved ones in the recovery process. Practical skills are introduced into the group including communication skills and problem-solving skills. As this group meets on Fridays, we review and discuss plans for the weekend to ensure that they are both safe and enjoyable. The overall goal of CRA is to help you find healthier ways to meet your social and emotional needs and to develop a meaningful life in recovery that is more compelling than a life using alcohol or drugs.

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