Treatment Programs - Wholeview



Treatment Programs

Treatment is individually tailored to each patient and can be modified as necessary to meet the specific needs of each patient. The following are the levels of care available at Wholeview Wellness® and examples of typical treatment schedules.


This program is designed for people whose lives have been significantly affected by alcohol or substance use who want to devote substantial time and effort to build skills to support their recovery. Patients attend the program three to five days per week from 10:30am until 2:00pm receiving three hours of group therapy per day. They will also attend 1-2 individual sessions per week and may be offered family training and/or couples therapy to support their recovery as needed.


The Wholeview Wellness Trauma Recovery IOP is a unique fully virtual intensive outpatient program for individuals living with the lingering effects of trauma. The treatments that we provide are backed by science and proven effective at helping people manage strong emotions, come to greater acceptance, reduce unhealthy coping behaviors, improve relationships and self-esteem, and even experience more joy and pleasure in life. As no two people are the same, we work with everyone to develop an individualized treatment plan best suited to our clients’ specific goals and needs. Our team strives to maintain a safe and affirming place for healing for people of all identities.


Patients can step down to outpatient care after attending the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), or they may begin in this level of care if they are engaged in employment or other meaningful activity which would prevent them from attending the daytime intensive program. The care plan is individualized based on need, but patients often begin by attending two groups and one individual session per week and taper down to individual session once weekly, then biweekly and finally monthly when they are in long term recovery.


Wholeview Wellness® has strong relationships with several talented psychiatrists and physicians who can prescribe psychiatric and addiction medication when indicated. We support the use of medications in addiction treatment and will coordinate referrals and ongoing care to ensure that patients have access to medication to support their recovery. Also, for patients who come to us and are already in treatment with a prescribing professional, we are happy to work collaboratively with those providers.


Additional services are available for patients including CRAFT family training and support in both individual and group formats. Couples therapy may be added to the individualized treatment plan for individuals if it would be helpful to the patient’s wellness and recovery.


DWI Screening and Assessment is available on site for those who need to be evaluated.


This service is not currently available.

Patients can remain connected to one another through the Connections mobile app which is available to all Wholeview Wellness® patients.

Because addiction is a chronic health issue, recurrences are a part of the recovery process, and patients work with their therapists to plan for these emergencies in advance so that they are not taken by surprise if they occur. Staying in contact with the Wholeview Wellness® community can help patients keep minor slips from becoming full relapses.


Several Wholeview Wellness® psychologists are OASAS approved providers of clinical screening and assessment services for the NYS Impaired Driving Offender program.

If you have been charged with or convicted of an impaired driving offense and require screening or assessment services, call 866-604-2475 to get further information about our program or to schedule an appointment.
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