Outpatient Detox - Wholeview



Please note, this service is not yet available.
We offer a virtual at home detox where patients can detox from alcohol within the comfort of their home. Patients are medically supervised by our staff with the use of state-of-the-art remote monitoring technology to increase compliance while simultaneously allowing safe 24/7 physiologic monitoring of the patients’ response to the detox protocol. This program will be available through telehealth within the comfort of your home. Detox from alcohol is designed to last 3-4 days for alcohol and intensive behavioral intervention for the entire duration of the program. The length of the taper may be extended if clinically indicated.
How it works?
Candidates for Virtual Detox:


Persons experiencing non-acute medical or psychiatric symptoms.


Patients that can arrange to have a reliable supportive partner living with them through the entire detox protocol


Patients willing to stay in a controlled home-based setting without driving or engaging in high-risk activities


Patients that do not require services in an inpatient or residential setting.


During the length of your detox you will be using a wireless breathalyzer, blood pressure and heart rate device which will be delivered directly to your doorstep! These devices send information directly to our medical staff who will monitor your health remotely throughout the process.


Throughout treatment a concerned significant other or a sober companion will stay with you for 24 hour support, they will pick up medication, assist with sending vitals to our medical staff and may report any symptoms they notice and will connect with our clinical team. We are here to offer you assistance with connecting with a sober coach or companion that is the right fit for you.
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