
Fear of judgement is a powerful deterrent to treatment for individuals struggling with a substance use disorder of any sort, including alcohol. Some who have already tried to overcome their substance use – whether on their own, in support groups, rehab, or elsewhere – may have encountered frustration, perceived failure, and criticism from others. Read More

You’ve probably heard a lot about teen vaping and Juuling in the news lately. While e-cigarettes have been around for more than a decade, usage has risen drastically in teen populations in the last few years. Read More

As rates of opioid addiction and substance abuse continue to grow in the United States, the crisis is also beginning to negatively impact employers. A recent New York Times article highlighted startling increases in overdoses in workplaces throughout the country. Read More

Every day and every news cycle there are stories about people struggling with addiction and the stakes are only getting higher with over 70,000 people succumbing to overdose last year. August 31st was International Overdose Awareness Day, a day when we remember those we have lost to overdose and bring attention to this issue to try to prevent future overdoses. Read More