
This year, more people are leaving alcohol out of their holiday celebrations. After years of debate over the healthiness of drinking, overwhelming research suggests that less is more. That has doctors are recommending no drinking over drinking in moderation.Then, a bombshell cancer study came along. Dr. Sarah Church, who’s treated substance use for 20 years, says it debunks the myth of moderate drinking. “The heavier your alcohol use, the higher your cancer risk is and that’s for everything in the whole the digestive tract, so that’s everything from mouth and head and neck cancers to esophageal cancers, intestinal and colon cancer, all the way through,” Church said. “Breast cancer is actually associated with alcohol use, so that’s something people don’t necessarily know but it’s becoming more and more known throughout the research.” Read More
What Actually Happens to Your Body If You Stop Drinking for 30 Days? You may sleep better Your favorite alcoholic nightcap may have sedative effects that can make you feel drowsy and help you fall asleep faster, but drinking alcohol (especially excessively and within three hours of bedtime) can disrupt… Read More
After abstaining from alcohol for a month, your tolerance for alcohol will be lower, so it will take less alcohol than it used to for you to feel the effects. So go slow and try to be mindful of how you are feeling, so you don’t overdo it. You want to gradually introduce alcohol back into your routines. Read More