Group Psychotherapy Offerings

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT)

We all experience situations we cannot control, behaviors that are hard to change, and intense emotions. These can be triggers for behaviors (e.g., substance use, isolation) that impair effective functioning. If you’re struggling with these behaviors, they may be interfering with your ability to engage with family, friends, work, and self-care. As a result, you may become stuck in a cycle of negative behavior that makes it harder and harder to achieve what you want in life.

This group explores the triggers (thoughts, emotions, memories, physical pain) your avoidant behaviors and helps you develop a willingness to commit to actions that are consistent with your values and personal goals. The group utilizes exercises, discussions, personal examples, and homework assignments to help you engage in committed actions and achieve your goals.


  • Saturdays noon-1 pm (Wholeview Wellness)