How we Help

Peer support (CRPAS)

Peer support (CRPAS)

For Wellness

Wholeview Direct offers the services of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPAs.) These staff draw on both personal experience with substance use and recovery, as well as professional training to provide support during recovery. Peer advocates often help patients develop effective habits and life skills for navigating recovery and may also help patients and loved ones with:

  • non-clinical crisis support, especially after periods of hospitalization or transition
  • education about recovery
  • sharing information about existing social and other support services
  • linking participants to formal recovery supports
  • assisting with insurance and other benefits
  • conducting toxicology tests and providing support related to testing

For Direct

Wholeview Direct offers the services of Certified Recovery Peer Advocates (CRPA’s.) These staff draw on both personal experience with substance use and recovery, as well as professional training to provide support during recovery. Peer advocates often help patients develop effective habits and life skills for navigating recovery and may also help patients and loved ones with:

  • non-clinical crisis support, especially after periods of hospitalization or transition
  • education about recovery
  • sharing information about existing social and other support services
  • linking participants to formal recovery supports
  • assisting with insurance and other benefits
  • conducting toxicology tests and providing support related to testing