Group Psychotherapy Offerings - Wholeview
Group Psychotherapy Offerings

We strive to be comprehensive, inclusive, and holistic in serving your needs.

We do so not only by delivering individualized care but also by providing an extensive array of group psychotherapy offerings. Each of our groups exists to help our patients, regardless of their struggles, address unique challenges.

Our groups are available to you if:

  • you are under the care of a Wholeview therapist. Your therapist will explore options with you and may suggest your participation in one or more groups based on your clinical profile and the issues that you are experiencing. We encourage you to review all our groups and ask about any of them that you think might be beneficial for you.
  • you are currently working with a clinician or therapist outside of Wholeview.  In this instance, if you or your current provider believe one or more of our groups might be helpful to you, please call us at 212-204-8430 and we can discuss assigning you a Wholeview case manager who can coordinate care with your therapist so you can participate in one or more groups

For each session, you’ll see details specifying

  • “Wholeview Direct”:  groups are held virtually via telehealth visits
  • “Wholeview Wellness”: groups are held in person at 369 Lexington Avenue, Suite 14A (at 41st St) or virtually as hybrid groups; you choose from telehealth or in-person options

These align with the patients served by our two specific programs. If you’re not sure which Wholeview program you’re in, please ask us or learn more at:

About Wholeview Direct
About Wholeview Wellness

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