Intimacy Unlocked
Substances are often used in relation to or have an impact on experiences of intimate connection. This group will focus on identifying feelings related to romantic and sexual dynamics, Topics to be explored may include sexual intimacy and dating while sober, sexual desires and desire discrepancies, how to give and receive affection, and trust and sharing in new relationships. A common reason why substances are utilized in relation to romantic and sexual engagement is because both require an experience of vulnerability and exposure of oneself. You’ll be asked to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences with group members honestly and openly. This allows you and other members to experience in real time the emotions that make vulnerability with others more difficult. We’ll emphasize the healing power of relationships and the importance of emotional understanding and attunement. By feeling less alone and less ashamed, you’ll find healthier ways to fulfill social and emotional needs in both romantic and sexual contexts.
- Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm (Wholeview Wellness)