Group Psychotherapy

For Wellness
Access our group therapy calendar here
Group psychotherapy is a powerful tool that can help people develop skills needed to change negative thought patterns and cognitions. Through group sessions, people benefit from:
- actively participating in discussions.
- observing other group members to learn from their experiences.
Participating in a group setting can help patients work through various issues, reduce feelings of isolation, and increase optimism. Group psychotherapy is particularly useful in helping people learn new ways to cope with interpersonal challenges and approach relationship issues.
Wholeview offers many different types of therapy groups. Some are skills-based, some use cognitive behavioral techniques and others teach strategies to help identify and challenge problematic thought patterns. Some provide support and structure for living a balanced life. Group sessions include up to 15 individuals, occur weekly, and last 60 minutes. Each group is led by a master’s-level clinician who guides discussions and ensures all members are respectful and supportive of one another. Group members are actively encouraged to provide support and feedback to one another.
Access our group therapy calendar here
For Direct
Access our group therapy calendar here
Group psychotherapy is a powerful tool that can help people develop skills needed to change negative thought patterns and cognitions. Through group sessions, people benefit from:
- actively participating in discussions.
- observing other group members to learn from their experiences.
Participating in a group setting can help patients work through various issues, reduce feelings of isolation, and increase optimism. Group psychotherapy is particularly useful in helping people learn new ways to cope with interpersonal challenges and approach relationship issues.
Wholeview offers many different types of therapy groups. Some are skills-based, some use cognitive behavioral techniques and others teach strategies to help identify and challenge problematic thought patterns. Some provide support and structure for living a balanced life. Group sessions include up to 15 individuals, occur weekly, and last 60 minutes. Each group is led by a master’s-level clinician who guides discussions and ensures all members are respectful and supportive of one another. Group members are actively encouraged to provide support and feedback to one another.
Access our group therapy calendar here